DRAVP(Data repository of antiviral peptides) is an open-access and manually curated database harboring diverse annotations of AVPs including sequences, activities, physicochemical, patent, clinical and reference information.It currently contains 2051 entries of antiviral peptides, 139 entries of antiviral proteins and 78 entries of clinical data.
Data in the DRAVP is made available under an CC0 License. You are entitled to access and use the services and download data. The free services are offered for the purpose of providing access to summarized data, analytics, metadata, and bulk downloads.
To all regular downloads, please cite our publications. If you find some errors in the website, please send an email to 3121784850@qq.com.
Liu Y, Zhu Y, Sun X, Ma T, Lao X, Zheng H. DRAVP: A Comprehensive Database of Antiviral Peptides and Proteins. Viruses. 2023; 15(4):820. https://doi.org/10.3390/v15040820
Contact: Heng Zheng Ph.D.
E-mail: zhengh18@hotmail.com
The database is developed by Dr.Zheng's team. This is the home page of the database, please use the navigation bar in the top of page to browse the database. If you encounter any problems in using this database, please send an email to 2057850020@qq.com, we will help you solve as soon as possible.