Sequence information


Name   Ibalizumab


Molecular Formula  Not Available

Condition/Disease  HIV infection

Group  Approved

Type  Antibody

Description  Ibalizumab (also known as ibalizumab-uiyk and formerly known as TNX-355) is a monoclonal antibody that binds to CD4 receptors on the surface of CD4-positive cells, preventing HIV particle entry into the lymphocytes.This drug was approved in March 2018 for the management of treatment-resistant HIV, in October 2022, the FDA approved the administration of Trogarzo (ibalizumab-uiyk) by intravenous push, allowing for a faster drug administration.

Active sequence/Structure 


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DrugBank Accession Number  DB12698

Pubchem ID  347911363



CAS  680188-33-4

Reference  14722894  15180541 

ClinicalTrails Information

NCT Number Study Title Condition/Disease Status Phase Sponsor
NCT02707861 Ibalizumab Plus Optimized Background Regimen in Treatment-Experienced Patients With Multi-Drug Resistant HIV-1 Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Infections Treatment Completed Phase 3 TaiMed Biologics Inc.
NCT02475629 Ibalizumab Plus Optimized Background Regimen in Patient With Multi-Drug Resistant HIV Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Infections Treatment Completed Phase 3 TaiMed Biologics Inc.
NCT00784147 Dose-Response Study of Ibalizumab (Monoclonal Antibody) Plus Optimized Background Regimen in Patients With HIV-1 (TMB-202) Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Infections Treatment Completed Phase 2 TaiMed Biologics Inc.
NCT01056393 Investigator-Sponsored Protocol - Continued Use of Ibalizumab Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Infections Treatment Completed Phase 2 Kaiser Permanente
NCT01292174 Safety Study of Ibalizumab Subcutaneous Injection in Healthy Volunteers (TMB-108) Prevention of Infection With HIV-1 Prevention Completed Phase 1 TaiMed Biologics Inc.