Sequence information


Name   Etesevimab

Sequence  Not available

Molecular Formula 

Condition/Disease  COVID-19

Group  Investigational

Type  antibody

Description  Etesevimab is a fully human and recombinant monoclonal antibody that targets the SARS-CoV-2 surface spike protein receptor binding domain.Under the EUA granted in February 2021, etesevimab is used in combination with bamlanivimab to treat mild to moderate COVID-19 in adults and pediatric patients who are at high risk for progressing to severe COVID-19:this EUA later expanded in December 2021 to include all younger children at high risk, including newborns. The EUA currently allows bamlanivimab and etesevimab for post-exposure prophylaxis of COVID-19 in adults and children.

Active sequence/Structure 


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External Links

DrugBank Accession Number  DB15897

Pubchem ID  Not available



CAS  2423948-94-9


ClinicalTrails Information

NCT Number Study Title Condition/Disease Status Phase Sponsor
NCT05205759 Non-inferiority Trial on Monoclonal Antibodies in COVID-19 (MANTICO) COVID-19 Terminated Phase 3 Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria Integrata Verona
NCT05268601 COVID-19 and Disease Progression to the Severe Form: A Study on the Use of Monoclonal Antibodies Against SARS-CoV-2 (CONDIVIDIAMO) COVID-19 Unknown status University of Milano Bicocca