General Information
Peptide Name Env4-4
Sequence Length 14
UniProt ID No entry found
Source Synthetic construct
Activity Information
Target Organism HIV
Assay Luciferase assay
Hemolytic Activity No hemolysis information or data found in the reference(s) presented in this entry
Binding Target Integrase
Mechanism IN is an essential enzyme for the stable infection of host cells because it catalyzes the insertion of viral DNA inside the pre-integration complex (PIC) into the genome of host cells in two successive reactions, designated as strand transfer and 3′-end-processing. The peptide could inhibit the activity of integrase and thus inhibit virus replication.
Structure Information
Predicted Structure Download DRAVPe00077
Linear/Cyclic Linear
N-terminal Modification Free
C-terminal Modification Free
Other Modification None
Stereochemistry L
Physicochemical Information
Formula C94H138N18O18S
Absent amino acids ACDEGHPQRS
Common amino acids I
Mass 1840.3
Pl 8.26
Basic residues 1
Acidic residues 0
Hydrophobic residues 9
Net charge 1
Boman Index 2373
Hydrophobicity 139.29
Aliphatic Index 160
Half Life
Extinction Coefficient cystines 12490
Absorbance 280nm 960.77
Polar residues 3
Literature Information
Literature 1
Title Peptide HIV-1 integrase inhibitors from HIV-1 gene products.
Pubmed ID 20586421
Reference J Med Chem. 2010 Jul 22;53(14):5356-60.
Author Suzuki S, Urano E, Hashimoto C, Tsutsumi H, Nakahara T, Tanaka T, Nakanishi Y, Maddali K, Han Y, Hamatake M, Miyauchi K, Pommier Y, Beutler JA, Sugiura W, Fuji H, Hoshino T, Itotani K, Nomura W, Narumi T, Yamamoto N, Komano JA, Tamamura H.