General Information


Peptide Name   WNV(1965-1972)

Sequence  RNPSQVGD

Sequence Length  8

UniProt ID  P06935 

Source  Synthetic construct(derived from WNV NS3 helicase protein)

Activity Information

Target Organism  HCV,WNV,JEV

Assay  Helicase assay


  • [Ref.18479669]Hepatitis C virus (HCV): inhibition of HCV helicase activity(IC50>500 μM);
  • West Nile virus (WNV): inhibition of WNV helicase activity(IC50=383±12.3 μM);
  • Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV):inhibition of JEV helicase activity(IC50=437±13.4 μM).

Hemolytic Activity  No hemolysis information or data found in the reference(s) presented in this entry

Cytotoxicity  No cytotoxicity information found in the reference(s) presented

Binding Target  NTPase/helicase

Mechanism  The intact enzymatic properties of NS3 are necessary for the virus propagation,which possesses numerous enzymatic activities including RNA stimulated nucleoside triphosphatase (NTPase) and RNA helicase activities. The peptides inhibited the NTPase/helicase by a direct interaction with the enzyme highly probably by a competitive mechanism.

Structure Information

PDB ID  None

Predicted Structure Download  DRAVPe01121

Linear/Cyclic  Linear

N-terminal Modification  Free

C-terminal Modification  Free

Other Modification  None

Stereochemistry  L

Physicochemical Information

Formula  C34H57N13O14

Absent amino acids  ACEFHIKLMTWY

Common amino acids  DGNPQRSV

Mass  871.91

Pl  5.84

Basic residues  1

Acidic residues  1

Hydrophobic residues  1

Net charge  0

Boman Index  -3424

Hydrophobicity  -170

Aliphatic Index  36.25

Half Life 

  •     Mammalian:1 hour
  •     Yeast:2 min
  •     E.coli:2 min

Extinction Coefficient cystines  0

Absorbance 280nm  0

Polar residues  3

Literature Information

Literature 1

Title   Viral NS3 helicase activity is inhibited by peptides reproducing the Arg-rich conserved motif of the enzyme (motif VI).

Pubmed ID   18479669

Reference   Biochem Pharmacol. 2008 Jul 1;76(1):28-38. 

Author   Borowski P, Heising MV, Miranda IB, Liao CL, Choe J, Baier A.

DOI   10.1016/j.bcp.2008.03.018