General Information
Peptide Name C18-cp3c
Sequence Length 15
UniProt ID No entry found
Source Synthetic construct
Activity Information
Target Organism H3N2,H1N1
Assay Plaque assay
Hemolytic Activity No hemolysis information or data found in the reference(s) presented in this entry
Cytotoxicity No cytotoxicity information found in the reference(s) presented
Binding Target sialylgalactose
Mechanism The peptide has affinity for glycoconjugates on the cell surface. And its binding to the cell resulted in the significant inhibition of influenza virus infections.
Structure Information
Predicted Structure Download DRAVPe01182
Linear/Cyclic Linear
N-terminal Modification Alkylated(C18)
C-terminal Modification Amidation
Other Modification None
Stereochemistry L
Physicochemical Information
Formula C67H109N19O26S
Absent amino acids DFGIMQRWY
Common amino acids E
Mass 1628.77
Pl 4.75
Basic residues 2
Acidic residues 3
Hydrophobic residues 4
Net charge -1
Boman Index -3196
Hydrophobicity -72
Aliphatic Index 58.67
Half Life
Extinction Coefficient cystines 0
Absorbance 280nm 0
Polar residues 5
Literature Information
Literature 1
Title Inhibition of influenza virus infections by sialylgalactose-binding peptides selected from a phage library.
Pubmed ID 19558186
Reference J Med Chem. 2009 Jul 23;52(14):4247-56.
Author Matsubara T, Sumi M, Kubota H, Taki T, Okahata Y, Sato T.