General Information
Peptide Name HD5[E21R]
Sequence Length 32
UniProt ID Q01523
Source Synthetic construct(derived from human alpha defensin(HD5))
Activity Information
Target Organism HSV,HIV
Assay Plaque assay
Hemolytic Activity No hemolysis information or data found in the reference(s) presented in this entry
Binding Target capsid protein gD
Mechanism The interaction between peptide and viral capsid proteins may cause aggregation of virions to prevent viruses from normal binding to target cells. Another possibility is that the binding of HD5 derivatives to the virion envelope blocks the epitopes of interaction between viruses and cell receptors, which are necessary for viral adsorption or entry into host cells.
Structure Information
Predicted Structure Download DRAVPe01304
Linear/Cyclic Cyclic
N-terminal Modification Free
C-terminal Modification Free
Other Modification Disulfide bonds between Cys3 and Cys31,Cys5 and Cys20,Cys10 and Cys30.
Stereochemistry L
Physicochemical Information
Formula C145H249N53O43S6
Absent amino acids DFHKMNPQW
Common amino acids R
Mass 3615.26
Pl 9.49
Basic residues 7
Acidic residues 1
Hydrophobic residues 7
Net charge 6
Boman Index -9160
Hydrophobicity -14.38
Aliphatic Index 64.06
Half Life
Extinction Coefficient cystines 3355
Absorbance 280nm 108.23
Polar residues 17
Literature Information
Literature 1
Title Enhancement of antiviral activity of human alpha-defensin 5 against herpes simplex virus 2 by arginine mutagenesis at adaptive evolution sites.
Pubmed ID 23269800
Reference J Virol. 2013 Mar;87(5):2835-45.
Author Wang A, Chen F, Wang Y, Shen M, Xu Y, Hu J, Wang S, Geng F, Wang C, Ran X, Su Y, Cheng T, Wang J.