General Information
Peptide Name HPIV3 F HRC derived peptide(457-484)
Sequence Length 28
UniProt ID P06828
Source Synthetic construct(derived from HPIV3 fusion (F) protein)
Activity Information
Target Organism HeV,HPIV3
Assay Luminescence fusion assay
Hemolytic Activity No hemolysis information or data found in the reference(s) presented in this entry
Cytotoxicity No cytotoxicity information found in the reference(s) presented
Binding Target membrane
Mechanism The HeV receptor-binding protein (G) is required in order for the fusion protein (F) to mediate fusion. HeV F, once triggered by the receptor-bound G, undergoes multistep conformational changes leading to a six-helix bundle (6HB) structure that accomplishes fusion of the viral and cellular membranes. Peptides derived from the HRN and HRC regions of F are proposed to inhibit fusion by preventing F, after the initial triggering step, from forming the 15HB structure that is required for fusion.
Structure Information
Predicted Structure Download DRAVPe01316
Linear/Cyclic Linear
N-terminal Modification Free
C-terminal Modification Free
Other Modification None
Stereochemistry L
Physicochemical Information
Formula C142H238N42O49
Absent amino acids CFGHMPTVY
Common amino acids S
Mass 3317.7
Pl 6.06
Basic residues 6
Acidic residues 6
Hydrophobic residues 8
Net charge 0
Boman Index -9888
Hydrophobicity -122.5
Aliphatic Index 87.14
Half Life
Extinction Coefficient cystines 5500
Absorbance 280nm 203.7
Polar residues 7
Literature Information
Literature 1
Title Inhibition of hendra virus fusion.
Pubmed ID 16973588
Reference J Virol. 2006 Oct;80(19):9837-49.
Author Porotto M, Doctor L, Carta P, Fornabaio M, Greengard O, Kellogg GE, Moscona A.