General Information
Peptide Name Entry 18
Sequence GKRKSXSf
Sequence Length 8
UniProt ID No entry found
Source Synthetic construct
Activity Information
Target Organism DENV
Assay Fluorimetric assay
Hemolytic Activity No hemolysis information or data found in the reference(s) presented in this entry
Binding Target NS2B-NS3 protease
Mechanism The cyclic peptide could inhibit the activity of NS2B-NS3 protease, which is an essential enzyme for the replication of dengue virus.
Structure Information
Predicted Structure Download No predicted structure available
Linear/Cyclic Cyclic
N-terminal Modification No specific N-terminal
C-terminal Modification No specific C-terminal
Other Modification The 'X' at position 6 indicates homophenylalanine(hPhe). The N-terminal and C-terminal cyclized by a amide bond.
Stereochemistry Mixed(D-Phe8)
Physicochemical Information
Formula C26H47N11O7
Absent amino acids ACDEFHILMNPQTVWY
Common amino acids KS
Mass 920.27
Pl 11.17
Basic residues 3
Acidic residues 0
Hydrophobic residues 0
Net charge 3
Boman Index -3188
Hydrophobicity -178.75
Aliphatic Index 0
Half Life
Extinction Coefficient cystines 0
Absorbance 280nm 0
Polar residues 3
Literature Information
Literature 1
Title Discovery of novel cyclic peptide inhibitors of dengue virus NS2B-NS3 protease with antiviral activity.
Pubmed ID 28539222
Reference Bioorg Med Chem Lett. 2017 Aug 1;27(15):3586-3590.
Author Takagi Y, Matsui K, Nobori H, Maeda H, Sato A, Kurosu T, Orba Y, Sawa H, Hattori K, Higashino K, Numata Y, Yoshida Y.