General Information


Peptide Name   Entry 32

Sequence  rRRKxXFx

Sequence Length  8

UniProt ID  No entry found

Source  Synthetic construct

Activity Information

Target Organism  DENV

Assay  Fluorimetric assay


  • [Ref.28539222]dengue virus 2(DENV2):inhibition of the activity of NS2B-NS3 protease(IC50= 1.1 μM); inhibition of virus-induced cytopathic effects (CPE) in BHK-21 cells(EC50=2.0 μM).

Hemolytic Activity  No hemolysis information or data found in the reference(s) presented in this entry


  • [Ref.28539222]BHK-21 cells: CC50=24 μM.

Binding Target  NS2B-NS3 protease

Mechanism  The cyclic peptide could inhibit the activity of NS2B-NS3 protease, which is an essential enzyme for the replication of dengue virus.

Structure Information

PDB ID  None

Predicted Structure Download  No predicted structure available

Linear/Cyclic  Cyclic

N-terminal Modification  No specific N-terminal

C-terminal Modification  No specific C-terminal

Other Modification  The 'X' at position 6 indicates homophenylalanine(hPhe), position 5 and 8 indicates D-2-naphthylalanine(D-2Nal). The N-terminal and C-terminal cyclized by a amide bond.

Stereochemistry  Mixed(D-Arg1, 2Nal5, 8)

Physicochemical Information

Formula  C27H39N11O

Absent amino acids  ACDEGHILMNPQSTVWY

Common amino acids  R

Mass  1095.92

Pl  12.3

Basic residues  3

Acidic residues  0

Hydrophobic residues  1

Net charge  3

Boman Index  -3241

Hydrophobicity  -126.25

Aliphatic Index  0

Half Life 

  •     Mammalian:
  •     Yeast:
  •     E.coli:

Extinction Coefficient cystines  0

Absorbance 280nm  0

Polar residues  0

Literature Information

Literature 1

Title   Discovery of novel cyclic peptide inhibitors of dengue virus NS2B-NS3 protease with antiviral activity.

Pubmed ID   28539222

Reference   Bioorg Med Chem Lett. 2017 Aug 1;27(15):3586-3590.

Author   Takagi Y, Matsui K, Nobori H, Maeda H, Sato A, Kurosu T, Orba Y, Sawa H, Hattori K, Higashino K, Numata Y, Yoshida Y.

DOI   10.1016/j.bmcl.2017.05.027