General Information
Peptide Name Leaf cyclotide, Vhl-1
Sequence Length 31
UniProt ID P84522
Source Viola hederacea
Activity Information
Target Organism HIV
Assay cytopathic effect assay
Hemolytic Activity No hemolysis information or data found in the reference(s) presented in this entry
Binding Target Not found
Mechanism No mechanism information found in the reference(s).
Structure Information
Predicted Structure Download No predicted structure available
Linear/Cyclic Cyclic
N-terminal Modification No specific N-terminal
C-terminal Modification No specific C-terminal
Other Modification The 'X' at position 7 indicates Methionine sulfoxide. The N-terminal and C-terminal cyclized by a amide bond. Disulfide bonds between Cys1 and Cys18, Cys5 and Cys20, Cys11 and Cys25.
Stereochemistry L
Physicochemical Information
Formula C135H212N34O43S6
Absent amino acids DHMPQRW
Common amino acids C
Mass 3321.08
Pl 6.1
Basic residues 2
Acidic residues 2
Hydrophobic residues 9
Net charge 0
Boman Index -1262
Hydrophobicity 62.9
Aliphatic Index 72.26
Half Life
Extinction Coefficient cystines 1865
Absorbance 280nm 62.17
Polar residues 17
Literature Information
Literature 1
Title Isolation and characterization of novel cyclotides from Viola hederaceae: solution structure and anti-HIV activity of vhl-1, a leaf-specific expressed cyclotide.
Pubmed ID 15824119
Reference J Biol Chem. 2005 Jun 10;280(23):22395-405.
Author Chen B, Colgrave ML, Daly NL, Rosengren KJ, Gustafson KR, Craik DJ.