General Information


Name   Coiled-coil domain-containing protein 92


Sequence Length  331

Source  Homo sapiens (Human)

UniProt ID Q53HC0

Gene CCDC92

Activity Information

Target Organism  EBOV


  • [Ref.32528005]Ebola virus(EBOV):CCDC92 can inhibit viral transcription and the formation of complete virions via an interaction with the viral protein NP.

Structure Information

PDB ID  None

Predicted Structure Download  AF-Q53HC0-F1


Modification  Phosphorylation of Ser at position 209.


CCDC92 clearly inhibits viral transcription, which is mediated through the C-terminal coiled-coil domain of CCDC92 (aa 81–151) that is necessary for the interaction with NP.

Literature Information

Literature 1

Title   Identification of interferon-stimulated genes that attenuate Ebola virus infection.

Pubmed ID   32528005

Author   Kuroda M, Halfmann PJ, Hill-Batorski L, Ozawa M, Lopes TJS, Neumann G, Schoggins JW, Rice CM, Kawaoka Y.