General Information


Name   Peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase A(Cyclophilin A)


Sequence Length  165

Source  Homo sapiens (Human)

UniProt ID P62937


Activity Information

Target Organism  IAV,HIV-1


  • [Ref.19207730]influenza A virus(IAV):cyclophilin A interacts with M1 protein and impairs the early stage of the vial replication.
  • Human immunodeficiency virus type 1(HIV-1):Cyclophilin A interacts with the Gag protein of HIV-1 by the CA domain and then is incorporated into HIV-1 virion, influencing the infectivity of HIV-1 virions.

Structure Information

PDB ID  1AWQ  1BCK  1CWF  1M9X  1W8M  2CPL  3K0M  4N1M  4YUO 

Predicted Structure Download  AF-P62937-F1


Modification  ①Phosphorylation of Ser at position 77.②The N-terminal is acetylation.③Phosphorylation of Thr at position 93.④The Lys at position 28,44,76,82,125,131,133 indicates N6-acetyllysine.


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Literature Information

Literature 1

Title   Cyclophilin A interacts with influenza A virus M1 protein and impairs the early stage of the viral replication.

Pubmed ID   19207730

Author   Liu X, Sun L, Yu M, Wang Z, Xu C, Xue Q, Zhang K, Ye X, Kitamura Y, Liu W.