General Information
Name Shiftless antiviral inhibitor of ribosomal frameshifting protein(RyDEN)
Sequence Length 291
Source Homo sapiens (Human)
UniProt ID Q9NUL5
Gene SHFL(C19orf66)
Activity Information
Target Organism ZIKV,DENV,HCV
Structure Information
Predicted Structure Download AF-Q9NUL5-F1
Modification Acetylation of Ser at position 2(N-acetylserine)
The expression of MARCH2 to be upregulated upon HIV-1 infection. MARCH2 inhibits the production and infection of HIV-1 through ligase activity-dependent envelope protein degradation and/or intracellular retention.
Literature Information
Literature 1
Title C19orf66 interrupts Zika virus replication by inducing lysosomal degradation of viral NS3.
Pubmed ID 32150556
Author Wu Y, Yang X, Yao Z, Dong X, Zhang D, Hu Y, Zhang S, Lin J, Chen J, An S, Ye H, Zhang S, Qiu Z, He Z, Huang M, Wei G, Zhu X.
Literature 2
Title Characterization of RyDEN (C19orf66) as an Interferon-Stimulated Cellular Inhibitor against Dengue Virus Replication.
Pubmed ID 26735137
Author Suzuki Y, Chin WX, Han Q, Ichiyama K, Lee CH, Eyo ZW, Ebina H, Takahashi H, Takahashi C, Tan BH, Hishiki T, Ohba K, Matsuyama T, Koyanagi Y, Tan YJ, Sawasaki T, Chu JJ, Vasudevan SG, Sano K, Yamamoto N.
Literature 3
Title C19orf66 is an interferon-induced inhibitor of HCV replication that restricts formation of the viral replication organelle.
Pubmed ID 32294532
Author Kinast V, Plociennikowska A, Anggakusuma, Bracht T, Todt D, Brown RJP, Boldanova T, Zhang Y, Brüggemann Y, Friesland M, Engelmann M, Vieyres G, Broering R, Vondran FWR, Heim MH, Sitek B, Bartenschlager R, Pietschmann T, Steinmann E.