General Information


Name   E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase TRIM56


Sequence Length  732

Source  Bos taurus (Bovine)

UniProt ID E1BD59

Gene TRIM56

Activity Information

Target Organism  BVDV


  • [Ref.21289118]bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV):TRIM56 inhibits BVDV propagation by acting on intracellular viral RNA replication.

Structure Information

PDB ID  None

Predicted Structure Download  AF-E1BD59-F1


Modification  ①Phosphorylation of Ser at position 452.②Phosphorylation of Thr at position 402 and 419.


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Literature Information

Literature 1

Title   TRIM56 is a virus- and interferon-inducible E3 ubiquitin ligase that restricts pestivirus infection. 

Pubmed ID   21289118

Author   Wang J, Liu B, Wang N, Lee YM, Liu C, Li K.

Literature 2

Title   TRIM52 inhibits Japanese Encephalitis Virus replication by degrading the viral NS2A.

Pubmed ID   27667714

Author   Fan W, Wu M, Qian S, Zhou Y, Chen H, Li X, Qian P.