General Information
Name Interferon-induced, double-stranded RNA-activated protein kinase(PKA)
Sequence Length 551
Source Homo sapiens (Human)
UniProt ID P19525
Gene EIF2AK2
Activity Information
Target Organism HCV,MeV
Structure Information
PDB ID 1QU6 2A19 2A1A 3UIU 6D3K 6D3L
Predicted Structure Download AF-P19525-F1
Modification ①Phosphorylation of Ser at position 83,242,456,542.②The N-terminal is acetylation.③Phosphorylation of Thr at position 88,89,90,255,258,446,451.④Phosphorylation of Tyr at position 101,162,293.
Exerts its antiviral activity on a wide range of DNA and RNA viruses including hepatitis C virus (HCV), hepatitis B virus (HBV), measles virus (MV) and herpes simplex virus 1 (HHV-1).PKR activation correlates with enhanced IFN induction, increased mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase pathway activation, reduction in virus growth, and increased cytotoxicity and apoptosis of infected cells
Literature Information
Literature 1
Title The modulation of hepatitis C virus 1a replication by PKR is dependent on NF-kB mediated interferon beta response in Huh7.5.1 cells.
Pubmed ID 23399035
Author Zhang L, Alter HJ, Wang H, Jia S, Wang E, Marincola FM, Shih JW, Wang RY.
Literature 2
Title Stress granule formation induced by measles virus is protein kinase PKR dependent and impaired by RNA adenosine deaminase ADAR1.
Pubmed ID 23115276
Author Okonski KM, Samuel CE.