General Information


Name   E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase TRIM22


Sequence Length  498

Source  Homo sapiens (Human)

UniProt ID Q8IYM9

Gene TRIM22

Activity Information

Target Organism  HIV,EMCV,HBV


  • [Ref.18389079]Human immunodeficiency virus(HIV):TRIM22 inhibits the replication of HIV.
  • [Ref.19218198]encephalomyocarditis virus(EMCV):Trim22 inhibits the infection of EMCV.
  • [Ref.19585648]Hepatitic B virus(HBV):TRIM22 exhibits anti-HBV activity by acting as a transcriptional suppressor

Structure Information

PDB ID  None

Predicted Structure Download  AF-Q8IYM9-F1


Modification  No modifications on the sequence.


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Literature Information

Literature 1

Title   The interferon response inhibits HIV particle production by induction of TRIM22.

Pubmed ID   18389079

Author   Barr SD, Smiley JR, Bushman FD.

Literature 2

Title   TRIM22 E3 ubiquitin ligase activity is required to mediate antiviral activity against encephalomyocarditis virus.

Pubmed ID   19218198

Author   Eldin P, Papon L, Oteiza A, Brocchi E, Lawson TG, Mechti N.

Literature 3

Title   Tripartite motif-containing 22 inhibits the activity of hepatitis B virus core promoter, which is dependent on nuclear-located RING domain.

Pubmed ID   19585648

Author   Gao B, Duan Z, Xu W, Xiong S.