General Information
Name Probable ATP-dependent RNA helicase DDX17
Sequence Length 729
Source Homo sapiens (Human)
UniProt ID Q92841
Gene DDX17
Activity Information
Target Organism RVFV
Structure Information
PDB ID 6UV0 6UV1 6UV2 6UV3 6UV4
Predicted Structure Download AF-Q92841-F1
Modification ①Phosphorylation of Ser at position 64.②The Lys at position 108, 109, 121 indicates N6-acetyllysine.③Phosphorylation of Thr at position 523.④The Arg at position 684 indicates Omega-N-methylarginine.
DDX17 targets a structured stem loop, either to facilitate miRNA processing or to mediate virus inhibition.
Literature Information
Literature 1
Title Stem-loop recognition by DDX17 facilitates miRNA processing and antiviral defense
Pubmed ID 25126784
Author Moy RH, Cole BS, Yasunaga A, Gold B, Shankarling G, Varble A, Molleston JM, tenOever BR, Lynch KW, Cherry S.